Masa untuk tampal badge sekolah dan tanda nama...

Oh tidak!!! Nk kena jahit school badge & name tag!!!
Tak suka laa..

Kalau hantar kedai, depa charge RM2 tau satu badge.. Mahai pulakkk..
Tapi takpe.. I can help you.

Specially to those yg masih ada pending 'homework' utk menjahit lencana sekolah anak2 ..

U will need : 

- gam UHU
- kain basah kecik ( handkerchief is good)
- small cardboard/thick paper
- iron
Langkah langkah
1. Letakkan cardboard dlm poket (This is to avoid the pocket from melekat with the material underneath)
2. Atur lencana seperti yg dikehendaki
3. Once dah estimate mana nk paste, picit gam at the back of the badges
4. Paste it (you may still adjust the position at this stage)
5. Ambik wet towel tadi. Bentangkan atas the badge area
6. Iron the wet towel sehingga rata covering the badge .
7. Angkat towel... Dan Siap !!
Anda akan lihat that the badge tertampal rapi, sungguh cantik & Kemas gitu..
Satisfaction? 10/10
Time needed per badge? Less than 3 minutes
If menjahit : time taken to sew each badge : 10 minit ( tu tak termasuk yg terjahit poket , benang bersimpul & cucuk2 benang tak masuk dlm jarum.. Ngeh ngeh ngeh... )
I dah basuh baju anak2 dlm washing machine & the badge is still there!
Selamat mencuba...


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